chadAs you know, people are finding that their 9 to 5 job is not an easy way to make a living. The money that used to get them more, is now giving them less. Add a house, kids, old college debt, and you have a cocktail of confusion and hopelessness. If you are here, then you may be in the same boat of a "Groundhog Day" mentality; waking up to do the same things over and over again. Some people call it the rat race. Whatever you want to call it, it sucks!

But there is hope.

There is a revolution taking place under the radar of most people. There is a group of people taking charge of their lives using the skill sets they acquired in life, teaching others about their passions and making a good living at it. Are these people experts in their field? Some are and some have found that knowing more than the average person about a particular subject, makes them an expert. So, no, I am not credentialed in any teaching or training in my business, but I have developed courses for the corporate and private world for the past 15 years. So here is the deal, teach what you know.

Are these people any different than you? Depends; how bad do you want to make a change? I heard a speaker by the name of Perry Tuttle. You may know him from his Clemson college or his Buffalo Bill days as a wide receiver. He said that when he was younger he would lie in bed at night before he fell asleep; he would toss the ball up in the air and catch it 100 times. Then turn out the light and do it another 100 times. He said, "All I had to do was feel the ball and I could catch it". So how bad do you want to change your life?

Who is this site for?

This site is only for ambitious, passionate, intelligent people who are willing to help others with skills that they have acquired. So, if your only intent is to make money, then maybe this is the wrong place for you.

"Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value."
Albert Einstein

The principles that you will learn here, not only will make money, but will give you the step by step process to financial freedom.

The good news is that you already have the goods to get started. All you need is a light to guide your path.